Our firm
GLV LAW, an acronym for Giommoni and Li Vigni, originates from the meeting, now in its twentieth year, of two lawyers who, while practising in autonomous structures, decided to pool their experience and make their specificity and expertise available to private clients and companies, both in France and Italy.
Thanks to their knowledge of the subjects they deal with, their daily practice in the judicial world, and the quality of their professional relationships, lawyers Ilaria Li Vigni and Marco Giommoni offer legal advocacy and advice to prevent any possible difficulties, raising awareness, in particular, of the judicial, economic and criminal risks to which companies and executives may be exposed in the course of their activities.
GLV LAW, with operational bases in Milan and Paris, specialises in judicial interventions on Italian and French territory, guaranteeing immediate adaptation to clients’ needs, both in terms of preventive consultancy and legal assistance, and therefore represents the solution for anyone, natural or legal, who needs to resolve judicial disputes in Italy and France.
Activity areas

Marc Giommoni
Graduated in law in France, holds a PhD from the University of Lausanne, registered as a lawyer in Paris and Milan.
Ilaria Li Vigni
Graduated in law from the University of Milan, enrolled in the Milan Bar Association and in the special register of the Supreme Court of Cassation.
Marcella Pagliari
She graduated in law from the LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome, where she also obtained a diploma in corporate law.
Lawyer at the Paris Bar
121 bis rue de la Pompe
75116 Paris
Mail : marc.giommoni@glv-law.eu
Mobile : +33 (0)6 09 63 73 73
Lawyer at the Milan Bar
Viale Regina Margherita, 41
20122 Milano
Mail: ilaria.livigni@glv-law.eu
Tel : 0039 02 87 39 24 94
Fax : 0039 02 87 39 25 08
Port : 0039 335 69 24 262
Avocat à la Cour
96, rue de Rivoli - 75004 Paris
Mail : marcella.pagliari@glv-law.eu
Tel : + 33 (0)1 53 10 11 40
Mobile: +33 (0)6 33 86 07 05