Law graduate from the University of Milan, enrolled in the Milan Bar Association and in the special register of the Supreme Court of Cassation.
Criminal lawyer and corporate consultant for the criminal liability of entities as provided for by Legislative Decree 231/2001.
Expert in gender and diversity policies.
Former member of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the National Forensic Council, of the network of legal professions at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers,
Former president of the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Milan Bar Association.
Consultant of the American and Canadian Consulate in Milan.
Member of supervisory bodies and boards of directors of foundations in Milan.
Trustee of the Milan Polytechnic.
Lecturer in Advanced Sociology at the University of Milan.
Freelance journalist, enrolled in the Lombardy Register of Journalists, author of forensic essays, collaborates with several newspapers, Italia Oggi, Diversity Management with legal columns and comments on sentences.
Member of the Criminal Chamber of Milan and of the association Women Lawyers, Milan section
Member of the Organismo Congressuale Forense, Milan district.
Lawyer at the Milan Bar
Viale Regina Margherita, 41
20122 Milano
Mail: ilaria.livigni@glv-law.eu
Tel : 0039 02 87 39 24 94
Fax : 0039 02 87 39 25 08
Mobile : 0039 335 69 24 262